Cần Thơ: Giáo dục nghề nghiệp đang khởi sắc

The learning time of students of May of CĐ Cần Thơ

The learning time of students of May of CĐ Cần Thơ

The learning time of students of May of CĐ Cần Thơ

GD & TĐ – In year 2017 and 2018, tasks for students level, CĐ at TP Cần Thơ đạt được results of results. Some training đào tạo the level level and the international level as calendar, mechanical, tin học … thu hút sự quan tâm của xã hội. If the modul training extension, quality HS, SV join family learning will be added. This is seen of the GDNN signal in the current area of ​​the Copper of the delta Cửu Long.

Enterprise training join

Is a training links for the field of CĐ Cần Thơ, he Hà Thế Vụ, the Corporation Corporation Corporation and the Development for the Enterprise for the given: Quality HS, SV in training time also as after field very good.

The SV are building which the next company will be determine, professional support for you have them them comments of engineering, dynamic  output . In the field may be default, company will be associated with the operations in the water to receive the SV after the good business.

 Print SV to business and make a problem for the em, that this link that the SV the field has been supported by the business of the business
Mr. Hồ Thanh Tâm

Em Lê Ngọc Khương, SV khoa Công nghệ Tháng Năm, Trường CĐ Cần Thơ chia sẻ: “Em chọn loại May, by from small em is already like this job. When new learning, you can be the bỡ ngỡ, but after a time of a learning time is captured Capture multiple skills for skills. There are many company, business is already in the problem, work for work. Show this, this is a well development at Vietnam, you need that are very many basic work ”.

Trao đổi về  đào tạo công nghệ và tuyển sinh , Associate the field CĐ Cần Thơ Hồ Thanh Tâm for know: Chỉ tiêu sinh được giao 1.690 HS, SV. Năm 2018, fields have been newer to 1.700 HS, SV, đạt 103% so với plan. Year 2017, the SV ratio has been follow your better of school of 70%.

One in the solution is the family environment to be mounted with the business with the training and work for the SV after good. Special, maybe default by the training of the field of the field of the field, multiple SV have been now in the implementation of stage, when you are currently unused fields in your business.

Basic from course

Theo Sở LĐ-TB & XH Cần Thơ, trên địa bàn thành phố hiện có 89 đơn vị dạy nghề, bao gồm: 10 trường CĐ, 14 school center, 9 center GDNN – GDTX, 13 center GDNN and 43 database other has teaching. Mục tiêu năm 2018, tuyển sinh GDNN đạt 46.000 người, trong đó, tuyển sinh CĐ and level level 7.500 người; the level level, under 3 months: 38.500 person…

Tính đến tháng 10/2018, CĐ fields, new profile and training training near 41.000 people, đạt 89,1% plan 2018, which job CĐ job on 5.400 people, middle level near 2.900 người. Xu hướng HS, SV the selected files of the list of the field of the artist, mechanical, tin học, service service … External, in the environment, school of the learning of the student students .

Ông Châu Hồng Thái, Phó Giám đốc Sở LĐ-TB & XH Cần Thơ cho biết: Trong thời gian qua, việc tạo đào tạo lượng cơ sở tại Cần Thơ đã được nâng cấp. HS, SV Rate of the following working training of the year of the year of 80%. Operation, sinh năm 2018 is perform with quality of line, output result to start, does not run by quantity; Tuyển sinh must be mounted with tuyển dụng, work after your business; mount with working as persistence and an sinh xã hội.

For you have an existing results, Mr. Chau Hong Thai for that: Lao động, HS, SV has specified on more than on the learning with the high quality. Report for the information in the information to the HS and the family of the learning for the useful manual. Learn nghề for early of income, just be sure be live, open out of the next level to the basic.

Anh Quang

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